Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I not receiving my daily email?

  • Is this the first time you’ve signed up and haven’t received your first issue yet? A message with a confirmation link was emailed to you ​at the time of your purchase from, via You must click the link to confirm you want to receive our messages.
  • You’ve been receiving the daily news but delivery has stopped all of a sudden. There are several reasons why this could occur, but usually it is a result of your company’s or your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP’s) spam filter mistaking our publication as unauthorized advertising. We recommend taking the following steps:
    • Check the “Junk E-Mail” folder in your email program. If our email is in this folder, please move it to the safe sender’s list.
    • Contact your ISP (or your IT department) and add our domain name and emails to your safe sender’s list (see below):

What emails do I whitelist/add to my safe sender list?,,,,

Regardless of whether you receive your email or not, you can always retrieve your issues at

If you are still having issues, please call our office at 210-805-8006 or email to make sure your account is current and set up correctly.

If I sign up more than one person from our company, is there a discount offered?

Yes, we offer a discount for what we call a site license for five or more people from the same company at the same location. Please email us at or call us at 210-805-8006 for a quote.

How do I sign up for a subscription?

You may:

  • Sign up online at
  • Subscribe by phone at 210-805-8006
  • Subscribe by email at When contacting us by email, include your name, company, business address, email address, a contact phone number, and payment information.

How do I make a payment?

You may pay by credit card securely online at or by calling us at 210-805-8006. Please note that your credit card statement will show a charge from BeerNet Communications.
We also accept check payments made payable and mailed to:

Schuhmacher Publishing Co.
5150 Broadway St. #406
San Antonio, TX 78209

Why can’t I access my account online?

To access your account, you will need your username or your full email address (ex., and your password. From the login page, enter your username or your full email address and password (case sensitive). Your computer must be set to be able to accept cookies to save your password. If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it from the login page, or you can call our office at (210) 805-8006 or email Jessica at

If this still does not work, email us at or call our office (210) 805-8006 and we’ll take a look at your account to make sure it is current and set up correctly.

Does each individual need a subscription?

Yes. Each person must have a paid subscription in order to receive our publication. It is against copyright law to forward or photocopy our publication.

Is BBD published every day?

Our publications publish every work day, excluding weekends and holidays. Occasionally, due to travel schedules and other circumstances, BBD is not published, but this is rare. Generally BBD is published about 250 times a year.
